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our sick cat

Assalamualaikum guys

This adorable cat is my aunty's cat, named Boboitik or just Boboi and he is sick. Boboy stayed with my aunty for quite a few months already and since we came back from KL a month ago Boboytik has become part of my life. He was a scaredy cat at first, but my sister made him irritatingly manja. He's clingy and can be really aggressive when we don't layan him or give him food..

Before Boboi knows us he was not clingy, not manja and never slept on people's beds. And now he did. He basically sleeps everywhere. He even do-that-thing-with-his-paws like scratching on my grandma's fancy sofas. 

Unfortunately Boboitik is sick.. He got a very high fever and my dad and my sister brought him to the vet early this morning. They went to the private vet clinic called Anicare veterinary clinic sdn bhd.. When the vet checked the temperature he was up to 41 degree celsius! He got 2 shots and an antibiotic.. This all costs B$60 and we bargain till B$40. 

His condition is not good, he barely eats, he's getting skinny and I just can feel that he's not happy :(  

All the cat being sick just reminded back when I was a kid, my cat, the late Teo and he's a siamese, got a huge bump on his leg and I don't know why. 18th of October 200? my maid woke me up saying that Teo is dying so he did died in my arms. I cried so hard, we buried him and I was still in my PJ. I miss you Teo... Well few months ago my goldfish died and I cried so hard too. So did when my turle Jack Sparrow died.

I'm just hoping for the best for Boboitik and we'll see his condition in the next few days.. 

 We love you Boboitik.. Get well soon!! :'(

November, 26 UPDATE: Guys, unfortunately boboy has been missing for a week. I am really sad, we'll miss you Boboy. 


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